Gifted Assessments
A diagnosis of Giftedness may provide a better understanding of children who appear precocious, highly energized, and motivated. Parents and teachers are often alerted to the child's talents by their curiosity, their large store of background knowledge, their advanced vocabulary, their vivid imagination, their enjoyment of learning, their creativity, and their ability to think abstractly. Giftedness, by definition, means a score at approximately the 98th percentile or higher on standardized measures of intelligence, such as the Wechsler Scales of Intelligence for Children - Fourth Edition (WISC-IV) or on the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test - Fourth Edition (WAIS-IV). The general outline of a Gifted assessment at our office is as follows:
4 hours of Standardized Testing (2-2 hour sessions)
Testing includes a complete intellectual battery, as well as academic subtests including reading comprehension, mathematics reasoning, and written expression. We ask parents to attend the initial 30 minutes on the first testing day to provide us with their perspective on their child’s strengths and talents.
0.5 hour Feedback Meeting
Review of results and potential implications, including school placement decisions and strategies to challenge and stimulate the Gifted child, both at school and at home.
2 hours of Analysis and report writing
Necessary documents for school identification and placement.